The marketing and business development world is undergoing constant changes. Credit union thought leaders are paying attention, following technological advancements and changing member preferences, and their impact on the movement.
Those topics are at the forefront of this episode of the CUNA News Podcast, during which seven marketing and business development professionals share their thoughts on marketing, leadership, membership growth, technology, and collaboration.
The podcast is a look back at conversations from the 2022 CUNA Marketing & Business Development Conference, which was held March 9-11 in Los Angeles.
You can listen to the CUNA News Podcast in Apple’s iTunes Store, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher Radio.
In this episode:
1:05: Netflix executive Nikkia Reveillac examines egoless leadership
7:13: Google’s Sam Maule on the world’s fourth industrial revolution
11:03: Create Now CEO Brandon Johnson shares the impact of art on young people’s lives
13:12: Southern Illinois Credit Union’s Kim Babington on the benefits of community service
15:13: University Credit Union’s David Tuyo discusses the “digital dilemma” and automation’s role in high-level member service
21:08: MBD Conference emcees Royce Ngiam and Mia Perez detail their favorite parts of the event and their belief in the CUNA Councils
Read More: PODCAST: Marketing and business development tips, trends