Trump releases a 12-page rant against Jan 6 hearings – follow live


‘The Big Lie was also the big-rip off’: Jan 6 committee hears Trump’s fraud claims

Donald Trump yesterday issued a 12-page statement to counter the evidence presented by the House select committee investigating the assault on the US Capitol on 6 January 2021.

Teasing the possibility of him returning for the 2024 presidential elections, Mr Trump said the probe was “an attempt to stop a man that is leading in every poll, against both Republicans and Democrats by wide margins, from running again for the presidency.

“The Democrats know that I would correct all of this, and they are doing everything in their power to stop me – but we can’t be stopped,” he continued. “We have to Save America.”

The Committee reconvened for its second hearing on Monday, with a focus on how Mr Trump and his lieutenants spread the so-called “big lie” in the months leading up to the insurrection.

The hearing was delayed after Mr Trump’s 2020 campaign manager, Bill Stepien, dropped out of testifying at the last minute because his wife had gone into labour.


Voices: Today, William Barr gave the most damning testimony I’ve seen about Trump in five years of reporting

William Barr’s testimony was absolutely devastating for Trump. Indeed, it was some of the most damning testimony for Trump I’ve ever heard in any of the many Trump corruption hearings I’ve covered over the last five years, and that’s saying something — especially considering it came from one of Trump’s formerly biggest sycophants.

Oliver O’Connell14 June 2022 08:30


Truth Social users claim they’ve been banned from Trump platform for posting about Jan 6 hearings

Users of Truth Social — former President Donald Trump‘s ostensibly free speech-oriented social media platform — are claiming that they’ve been banned for posting about the Capitol riot committee hearings.

One of those users, political commentator Travis Allen, posted a screenshot of his Truth Social page to Twitter, showing that he had been “permanently suspended” after discussing the January 6 committee on the platform.

Oliver O’Connell14 June 2022 07:30


Bernie Sanders challenges GOP to end ‘demagoguery’

While a second hearing from a House committee investigating the events leading up to and surrounding the Capitol riots was underway, the Fox Corporation aired a live debate on its Fox Nation platform between Senators Lindsey Graham and Bernie Sanders, who sparred over healthcare, the economy, gun reform and Donald Trump’s legacy.

The debate – which aired after the right-wing media network faced widespread criticism for rejecting live coverage of the committee’s first bombshell hearing – largely covered well-worn territory for both men, with Vermont’s Independent senator warning against growing wealth inequality and the North Carolina Republican arguing that progressive tax policies would have disastrous economic fallout.

Oliver O’Connell14 June 2022 06:30


Trump teases 2024 run as he lashes out at ‘pitiful’ January 6 committee

Donald Trump lashed out at the “pitiful” 6 January Capitol riot investigation on Monday, after the congressional committee held a day of scathing testimony accusing the former president of lying to supporters and losing touch with reality as he tried to overturn the 2020 election.

In the statement, Mr Trump ambiguously teased about returning for the 2024 presidential run.

“This is merely an attempt to stop a man that is leading in every poll, against both Republicans and Democrats by wide margins, from running again for the Presidency,” Mr Trump wrote, before blaming Democrats for inflation and high gas prices.

“The Democrats know that I would correct all of this, and they are doing everything in their power to stop me – but we can’t be stopped,” he continued. “We have to Save America.”

Read the details in this report by Josh Marcus:

Namita Singh14 June 2022 06:12


Voices: Jared and Ivanka are turning on Trump — and now you see the true face of the Republican Party

One big bonus of nepotism is ensuring that you’re surrounded with unthinking, uncritical loyalists. So Donald Trump must be especially miffed that his own family has been nervously but definitively sliding the knife between his shoulder blades during the ongoing January 6 Congressional hearings.

Oliver O’Connell14 June 2022 05:30


Donald Trump issues 12-page rebuttal to Jan 6 committee investigation

Former president Donald Trump on Monday issued a 12-page statement accusing the Democrats of using the hearing to distract the country from domestic issues including inflation and gas prices.

“Our nation is SUFFERING. Our economy is in the gutter. Inflation is rampant. Gas prices have reached an all-time high. Ships are unable to unload cargo. Families cannot get needed baby formula. We are an embarrassment around the world.”

He also reiterated his previously disproven claim of electoral fraud as he called it a “sham investigation” by the “Unselect Committee”.

A video of former President Donald Trump speaking is shown on a screen as the House select committee tasked with investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol

(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Issuing a rebuttal on the second day of House panel investigation, he said the committee is “making a mockery of justice” as they “have refused to allow their political opponents to participate in this process and have excluded all exculpatory witnesses, and anyone who so easily points out the flaws in their story.”

Namita Singh14 June 2022 05:24


Jan 6 probe hears Trump raised $250m to fight non-existent voter fraud but gave most of it to his own PAC

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign raised $250 million from supporters by telling them the money would be used to fight voter fraud, but the campaign knew those claims of fraud were bogus and instead diverted the money to his own political organisation, the House committee investigating the January 6 attacked claimed on Monday.

Mr Trump’s campaign sent millions of fundraising emails to supporters encouraging them to donate to help fight voter fraud between election day and January 6, the committee said.

Oliver O’Connell14 June 2022 04:45


David Axelrod says Biden’s age will be ‘major issue’ if he seeks re-election

David Axelrod, who once served as an adviser to former President Barack Obama, said Joe Biden‘s age will be a “major issue” for him if he seeks a second term in 2024.

“The presidency is a monstrously taxing job and the stark reality is the president would be closer to 90 than 80 at the end of a second term, and that would be a major issue,”Mr Axelrod told the New York Times.

Mr Axelrod was one of 50 Democrat officials interviewed by the Times over their “frustrations” about Mr Biden.

Oliver O’Connell14 June 2022 04:00


Bill Barr shown laughing at Dinesh D’Souza documentary purporting to prove voter fraud

Former Attorney General William Barr laughed out loud during testimony played before the 6 January insurrection hearings on Monday at the mentioned of 2000 Mules, a debunked election conspiracy documentary embraced by his former boss Donald Trump.

“My opinion then and my opinion now is that the election was not stolen by fraud,” Mr Barr said. “And I haven’t seen anything since the election that changes my mind on that, including the 2000 Mules movie.”

Oliver O’Connell14 June 2022 03:15


Giuliani lashes out at Liz Cheney over Jan 6 hearing claims that he was drunk on election night

The former New York Mayor and Mr Trump’s personal lawyer blasted the committee as Ms Cheney was delivering her opening statement during Monday’s hearing.

Oliver O’Connell14 June 2022 02:30


Read More: Trump releases a 12-page rant against Jan 6 hearings – follow live

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