Restore original filibuster
Re: “Senate will vote on filibuster rules — Schumer says body must push ‘systemic democracy reforms,’” Tuesday news story.
Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin won’t change the filibuster for fear Republicans will do the same if they retake control. Well, of course they will! But does anyone think they would hesitate to do so just because Democrats stand pat now?
I will say, though, that the filibuster shouldn’t be selectively modified issue by issue. Nor should it be eliminated. It should simply be restored to its original idea that a senator can speak continuously for as long as he or she can stand up.
What should be abolished is the fake filibuster where a senator’s declared intent to filibuster halts debate. This gives every senator absolute veto power without putting forth any effort at all. No senator should ever have that much power!
Tracy Curts, East Dallas
Books? What about cellphones?
Re: “Keller ISD panel examines disputed books — As TEA targets literature about race, sexuality, anonymous district group decides if titles should stay or go,” Sunday news story.
I taught in the public schools in Dallas County for 17 years, and I have some advice for the Keller ISD. If you are truly concerned about protecting children from viewing objectionable material, take away the computers and cellphones. Failing that, you are wasting your time.
Mary Ellen Young, Duncanville
No bank customer service
Re: “Many banks delay return to offices while omicron surges — Plans on hold after push to get workers back behind desks,” Tuesday Metro & Business story.
Tell me about it. I called my bank Monday to set up an appointment with one of the customer service agents to discuss an issue I was having. A teller answered the phone and I was quickly told “Sorry, there are no customer service people here today but you can call this 800 number to get the help you need.”
Right, I just thanked her and cut off the call. In the afternoon I walked into another branch of the same bank thinking I could talk to someone there. Whoops. Two people at the teller windows with a half dozen waiting and two, apparently customer service people there, one at a lobby desk was busy with five customers waiting, the other was behind closed doors staring at her desk. She may have been the branch manager. Three offices were empty and three lobby desks were empty.
Needless to say, no customer service now at this bank, along with others and many other businesses.
LeRoy White, Denton
White House started erosion
President Joe Biden’s concern over the erosion of democracy in America is well-founded. He need look no farther than the White House to find the source of the problem. Our last three presidents have escalated this erosion by using mandates and executive orders to force through actions that the Senate and House of Representatives would not approve.
Both parties have abused these concepts and both have acted in such a way that it has polarized our nation to a degree not seen since the Civil War. It is time for Biden to deliver on his campaign promise to make democracy work by working together. We look much more like a dictatorship than a democracy.
Carl Amond, Southlake
What Jan. 6 shouldn’t be
As my Jan. 6 birthday is here, I plan to begin it as I have every year, by moving the Magi figures into my nativity stable to celebrate the feast that churches recognize as the Epiphany of Our Lord. This Little Christmas renews the promise of peace on earth, good will toward all.
Unfortunately, in the minds of many, including Christian nationalists and evangelical disciples of the former president, Jan. 6 now commemorates the insurrection of their “lord,” the false idol who continues to preach the big lie that promotes division, vitriol and violence toward fellow Americans.
Heaven help us.
Mary Beth Miles, East Dallas
Don’t forget the library
Re: “DISD eyes learning support for babies — Initiative aims early childhood education before kids turn 3,” Monday news story.
Front page! Outstanding! However, reporter Emily Donaldson omits the very important role the Dallas Public Library can play — books, free, no fines — that a mother-to-be (and father as well) may borrow to start reading aloud even before the child is born, as early as the third trimester of pregnancy.
There is ample research on this subject. The pre-born hears and begins to understand words. If the reading aloud continues after birth, by the time the infant is ready for school he/she will have a vocabulary of 2,000 to 3,000 words. Not reading aloud leads to a 300- to 400-word vocabulary.
Get your Dallas Public Library card now. There are 29 branch libraries plus the downtown Central Library.
Dick Waters, Near North Dallas
Dan Reeves was a champion
Few who are aware of Dallas history do not know the name and contribution of Dan Reeves. However, many may not realize the full impact of his career as a Dallas Cowboy and beyond. In honor of his passing, it’s time to correct the record and ask why he is not yet inducted into the National Football League Hall of Fame.
Let’s begin with a few facts. Only Tom Brady and Bill Belichick have appeared in more Super Bowls than Reeves, who is one of nine coaches in NFL history with 200 wins. His 39-year career in the NFL is detailed in the statistics and the victories. But the quality of his character rises far above the data. You will not find a man who played for him, nor a person who spent any time with him, who doesn’t speak of this. I was lucky to be one of those to experience his greatness at a personal level.
In the past week, we lost the great John Madden and his passing has dominated the NFL’s broadcasts, particularly because of his media influence. Yet it is a shame that Reeves’ passing, in the shadow of that, has not received the recognition and reflection that his body of work deserves. He is and will always be a champion of the highest level. Let’s hope the NFL Hall of Fame voters finally recognize it.
Tracy Helms, Irving
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Read More: Letters to the Editor — Filibuster rules, bank services, polarized politics, books, Dan